Halcyon Frequency

RimWorld Hot Potato Charity Event 2023

Thank you all so much for raising an amazing $100,040.69 for Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders.

The Halcyon Frequency RimWorld Hot Potato Charity Event is crash landing Wednesday, November 22 at 10AM PST!

35 streamers are banding together to raise money for Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders

As per usual, we are raising funds using TILTIFY!

If you’d like to donate to the overall campaign, you can do so at this link: https://tiltify.com/+rimworld-hot-potato-2023/rwhp2023

Those who have made the event possible:

Streamer application vetting: 2DKiri, FGsquared, and woahhjess

Roll call for streamers: 2DKiri, Belannaer, blindiRL, FGsquared, Growlkore, RANGERTRUE, Suboi, Suwey, and woahhjess

In-depth check-ins with streamers: Growlkore, RANGERTRUE, Suboi, and Suwey

Email correspondence: ArchPlaysStuff, Suwey, and woahhjess

Organizing, Scheduling, Tiltify campaign: Suwey

Announcements, social media, copywriting, and schedule graphic: ArchPlaysStuff

Announcement videos: blindiRL

Streamer Documentation: woahhjess

RimWorld scenario, rules, and goals: ElanaOrama and woahhjess

Art: Silver

Alert graphics: Growlkore

Promotion on Reddit and RimWorld Community Discord: Jdalt40 and Sneaks

Stream announcement bot: Jdalt40